Rythm Discord bot
Are you planning to start using the Rythm Discord Bot? We'll walk you through all you need to know.

In essence the Rythm bot allows you to pull music from popular streaming servers onto your Discord. Unfortunately, Rythm is no longer working so you might want to check out the alternative Hydra Discord bot.


Discord, the world's largest and most popular AI-powered Free-to-Use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol, or the technology that converts your voice into a digital signal) server, allows users to get the best chat experience possible by using 'bots' (or robots) commands.

Check out some good bot names and popular / unique ideas or how to delete a Discord account.

The Rythm discord bot, (i.e integrates with your Discord), is a dedicated music bot that can access and play songs from popular music streaming services such as YouTube and Apple Music. You can listen to, change, and search for any song on your mind from your Discord server with Rythm Discord bots.

The Rythm Discord bot can also play music, import, and export playlists, and queue up all of your favourite songs for when you're ready to listen to them.

All of these features are designed to make your life easier by automating boring or repetitive commands so you don't have to do them every time while still maintaining the best possible experience. They're usually free to use, but you can pay to get more features.

Once the Rhythm bot has been added to your server, you can join a voice channel and summon the bot using the !join command or the Rhytm dashboard at https://rythm.fm/app. Simply search for or !play the song or playlist you want to listen to from there.

How to Add Rythm Discord Bot to Discord Server

How to Add Rythm Discord Bot to Discord Server

If you already have a Discord account, follow these simple steps to add, configure, and use Rythm Discord Bot in a matter of minutes.

  • Using any browser visit the Rythm bot's website, rythm.fm. You should have no problems with this as long as your internet connection is good.
  • Select 'Invite the bot.'
  • You'll need to register an account with your email address if you don't already have one. You can also complete the registration by scanning the QR code.
  • Log into your Discord account and select a server from the drop-down menu.
  • Verify that you have the permission to manage the server (check your server settings to grant this permission). This is required to complete the authorization.
  • Select 'Music Lover' from the drop-down list after clicking 'select a server' on the authorization page.
  • Click 'Continue' in the bottom right corner of the page after selecting your desired server.
  • All of the boxes, including the 'Administrator' box, should be checked. All of your other settings will be invalid if you don't do this.
  • It's critical to give Rythm Discord bot the 'Administrator' permission on your server for the best experience. This makes it easier for Rythm Discord bot to perform tasks like playing music and sound.
  • To finish the process, press the 'Authorize' button.
  • You must authorize and verify the setup by completing the Captcha in the final step. The message 'Thanks for adding Rythm' will appear, indicating that you have successfully added Rythm Discord Bot to your server.

These steps can be completed in a matter of minutes. You can now use simple commands to start streaming and playing music. The Rythm Discord bot commands are the next topic we'll discuss.

Although the list is not exhaustive, the most frequently used commands on the Rythm Discord bot server will be prioritized.

Rythm Discord Bot Commands

Rythm Discord Bot Commands

  • !play: This command plays any selected song
  • !np: This command displays the currently playing song.
  • !disconnect: Disconnects the Rythm bot from the server with this command.
  • !skip: Removes the current song from the playlist.
  • !skipto: Navigates to any song in the queue.
  • !move: This command Moves any song of your choice forward or backward in the queue
  • !rewind: This command allows you to rewind the current song to any point you want.
  • !forward: Moves the current song forward to any desired point.
  • !clear: Removes a song from the queue.
  • !ping: Checks the bot's Discord response time.
  • !aliases: Displays each bot command's aliases.
  • !remove: Removes a song from a queue that has already been created.
  • !search: Looks for a specific entry in a music source.
  • !SoundCloud: Looks for a song on SoundCloud.
  • !seek: Locates a specific point within a music track.
  • !stats: Shows the bot's statistics.
  • !join: This command assists the bot in responding to your voice commands.
  • !loop: This allows you to loop the current song.
  • !loopqueue: This allows you to loop the entire queue of songs.
  • !donate: Displays instructions for donating to the Rythm server.
  • !shard: Shows the shard you're on right now.
  • !removedupes: Clears the queue of duplicate songs.
  • !info: Provides information on Rythm.
  • !replay: Plays the current song again.
  • !settings: This command modifies Rythm's parameters.
  • !shuffle: This command shuffles the queued tracks.
  • !invite: This command shows invitation links.
  • !volume: This command changes the track's current volume.
  • !pause: This command pauses the track currently playing
  • !clean: This command clears the bot's messages and commands.
  • !lyrics: Displays the lyrics for the currently playing track.
  • !playskip: Adds a song to the queue and skips straights over it.
  • !playtop: This command plays the first song in the queue.
  • !queue: This command displays the songs in a standard queue. If you have multiple queues, type the command followed by the page number. (For example, queue 4)
  • !bassboost: Enables or Disables bass boosting
  • !debug: Shows information to help debug issues
  • !effects clear: Clears any or all audio effects
  • !effects help: Shows all available audio effects
  • !effects list: Shows audio effects that are currently enabled
  • !forceskip: Force the skipping of the current song that is playing
  • !grab: Sends the playing song through DMs
  • !help: shows information about the Rhytm bot
  • !invite: show information about how to invite the bot
  • !leavecleanup:Removes songs from users that have left the voice channel
  • !nightcore:Toggles the Nightcore audio effect
  • !nowplaying:Shows the current playing song
  • !pause:Toggles pause for the current playing track
  • !playnow:Plays a requested song immediately
  • !playsotd:Plays the song of the day
  • !playsotm:Plays the songs of the month
  • !playsotw:Plays the songs of the week
  • !prune:Prunes Rythm's messages and commands up to 100 messages
  • !resume:Resumes the current playing track
  • !search:Shows a list of songs that match the search keyword
  • !settings alwaysplaying:Toggles Rythm's always playing mode
  • !settings announcesongs:Toggles Rythm announcing each song as it plays them
  • !settings autoplay:Toggles auto-playing songs from a playlist when the queue ends
  • !settings blacklist:Blacklists the usage of commands in text channels (Toggle)
  • !settings defaultvolume:Sets the default volume
  • !settings djonly:only allow DJs to enqueue songs
  • !settings djplaylists:Only allow DJs to queue playlists
  • !settings djrole:Changes which role is considered DJ, roles named "DJ" will still apply
  • !settings maxqueuelength:Limits the size of the queue
  • !settings maxusersongs:Limits how many songs the user can queue
  • !settings prefix:Changes the prefix used to address Rythm bot
  • !settings preventduplicates:Prevents users from adding duplicate songs to the queue
  • !settings reset:Resets Rythm's settings back to default
  • !slowed:Toggles the slowed audio effect
  • !sotd:Shows the song of the day
  • !sotm:Shows the songs of the month
  • !sotw:Shows the songs of the week
  • !soundcloud:Adds a request song from soundcloud to the queue
  • !speed:Enables / Disables speed audio effect
  • !summon:Summons the bot to your voice channel
  • !volume:Check or change the current volume
  • !voteskip:Vote to skip the currently playing song

Remember that you must have Rythm installed on your Discord server for any of these commands to work properly.

Rythm Discord Bot Lagging or Not Working? Try These

Rythm Discord is a fantastic tool, but it isn't always reliable. Users report issues they encounter on a regular basis, such as lagging or the bot failing to work at times. If this happens to you, follow these steps to get your Rythm Discord bot back up and running quickly:

  • Make sure the Bot isn't muted on the server.
  • Verify that the Bot has the appropriate permissions.
  • Make sure your Bot is online.
  • Make changes to your device's audio settings.
  • Verify that you've entered the correct command.
  • Rejoin the channel after exiting it.

Usually, one of the options will be sufficient to reactivate your Rythm Discord bot. In some cases, however, it may be more beneficial to apply the steps gradually.

Video Walkthrough

If you prefer watching this as a YouTube video, you can click on the video below.


Rythm Discord Bot FAQs

Why should you use Rythm instead of other discord bots?

Rythm bot has more features than any other Discord bot devoted to delivering high-quality music from a variety of sources. Rythm is constantly updated and improved to provide you with even better quality and to meet your needs! Rythm promises stability with an easy-to-use, non-extensive command list.

What is the procedure for removing Rythm from my Discord server?

To remove Rythm from your Discord server, right-click on the "Rythm" bot name and select "Kick Rythm." You can also do this from the "Members List," but if your server is large, it will be difficult to locate the bot because there is no search feature.

What is the procedure for adding a Rythm bot to my account?

The procedure to add the bot starts from the Rythm website, and click Invite Rythm to your Discord. Allow Rythm bot access to your account. Choose the server to which the Rythm bot will be added. On the selected voice channel, you can also select individual permissions. Next, click Authorize. The Rythm bot will be added to the server successfully, as evidenced by a message on the screen.