How to Bold in Discord : Various Formatting Texts in Markdown (2024)

Formatting Bold Text in Discord

Because Discord lacks built-in formatting capabilities, you can use Markdown to bold text.

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In Discord, simply wrap the text you want to bold with a set of double **asterisks** to make it bold. Wrap the text in a pair of single *asterisks* to make it italic.

In the images below, you can see it in action.

What is Markdown and how does it work?

“Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting grammar, established in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz,”

according to Wikipedia.

Markdown is frequently used to prepare readme files, write messages in online discussion forums, and create rich content in plain text editors.

It's popular on Discord and social media sites like Reddit. Let's have a look at how it works in Discord.

How To Bold Text in Discord

Step 1 - Write your text including what you want to bold

Step 2 - Add a pair of double **asterisks** before and after the text you want to bold

Step 3 - That’s it, your text is now bold.

Now, do you want to learn how to make a logo for Discord? Check out our article.

Video Walkthrough

Italics, underlining, strikethrough, and combinations - text formatting options available on Discord.

In Discord, how do you italicize?

Before and after the text you want to italicize, add a pair of single (_) underscores or *asterisks*.

In Discord, how do you highlight something?

Before and after the text, add a pair of double __underscores__.

In Discord, how do you strikethrough?

Before and after the text, use a double tilde.

In Discord, how do you highlight bold?

Before and after the content, add __** Text**__.

In Discord, how can you make italics bold?

Before and after the content, add *** Text***.

About the Author
David Attard
David has been working in or around the online and digital industry for the last 21 years. He has vast experience in the software and web design industries using WordPress, Joomla and niches surrounding them. He has worked with software development agencies, international software companies, local marketing agencies and now is Head of Marketing Operations at Aphex Media - an SEO agency. As a digital consultant, his focus is on helping businesses get a competitive advantage using a combination of their website and digital platforms available today. His blend of technology expertise combined with a strong business acumen brings a competitive edge to his writings.

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