This page is in place to show how the DC Google Ads plugin works. Essentially this plugin was created to allow you the user to decide where you want your Google Ads to appear, rather than have them displayed automatically at the beginning or at the end of an article. This way you can decide where in your content they fit best.


Joomla Adsense PluginWe have chosen to show a number of Adsense ads in this article between random Lorem Ipsum text.


Minions ipsum jiji hahaha ti aamoo! La bodaaa ti aamoo! Hahaha bee do bee do bee do wiiiii la bodaaa. Hana dul sae jeje jeje hana dul sae chasy. Po kass hana dul sae pepete bananaaaa gelatooo. Butt poopayee la bodaaa underweaaar tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar poulet tikka masala daa po kass pepete. Aaaaaah hana dul sae hana dul sae jiji underweaaar para tú jiji aaaaaah bappleees daa. Jeje wiiiii tank yuuu! Bananaaaa poopayee para tú ti aamoo! Bee do bee do bee do para tú bappleees pepete. Ti aamoo! wiiiii potatoooo hahaha poulet tikka masala jeje uuuhhh bananaaaa jeje. Chasy ti aamoo! Tatata bala tu underweaaar pepete tulaliloo ti aamoo! Jiji. Wiiiii gelatooo hahaha uuuhhh hahaha pepete underweaaar jiji.

Here comes our first Google AdSense Ad in the center

Uuuhhh underweaaar la bodaaa poulet tikka masala la bodaaa butt aaaaaah ti aamoo! Potatoooo po kass daa bappleees tank yuuu! Jiji poulet tikka masala me want bananaaa! Jeje bee do bee do bee do wiiiii jeje jeje potatoooo hana dul sae tank yuuu! Potatoooo para tú chasy me want bananaaa! Po kass poopayee hahaha. Bee do bee do bee do butt tulaliloo hahaha pepete po kass. Bappleees para tú la bodaaa belloo! Para tú gelatooo underweaaar butt pepete. Underweaaar wiiiii pepete belloo! Me want bananaaa! Bee do bee do bee do para tú belloo! Po kass. Tulaliloo underweaaar po kass aaaaaah butt. La bodaaa wiiiii tulaliloo hahaha pepete jeje hahaha jiji.

We're going to align the next one to the left

Minions ipsum me want bananaaa! Jeje potatoooo uuuhhh tatata bala tu jiji poulet tikka masala butt aaaaaah. Butt para tú po kass para tú potatoooo tatata bala tu. Chasy tatata bala tu tank yuuu! Tatata bala tu. Daa bee do bee do bee do poulet tikka masala para tú hana dul sae butt tulaliloo. La bodaaa hana dul sae tulaliloo me want bananaaa! Baboiii jeje hahaha hana dul sae poulet tikka masala hana dul sae bee do bee do bee do. Poopayee aaaaaah belloo! Uuuhhh me want bananaaa! Jeje la bodaaa poopayee. Butt bee do bee do bee do hahaha jeje la bodaaa tatata bala tu me want bananaaa!

Ti aamoo! tank yuuu! Me want bananaaa! La bodaaa ti aamoo! Potatoooo potatoooo bappleees potatoooo baboiii. Pepete po kass underweaaar baboiii uuuhhh tulaliloo wiiiii baboiii belloo! Hana dul sae bee do bee do bee do bananaaaa bananaaaa belloo! Poulet tikka masala tank yuuu! Jiji. Po kass chasy aaaaaah me want bananaaa! Chasy pepete belloo! Belloo! Wiiiii poopayee uuuhhh po kass. Poulet tikka masala para tú butt wiiiii jiji tatata bala tu poulet tikka masala butt. Me want bananaaa! poulet tikka masala bee do bee do bee do bananaaaa gelatooo underweaaar tank yuuu! Baboiii bananaaaa jiji bee do bee do bee do bee do bee do bee do.

Minions ipsum consectetur qui potatoooo chasy bananaaaa. Duis officia exercitation enim cillum incididunt exercitation. Aliquip ut consectetur ex aaaaaah minim chasy ullamco. Aliquip sit amet ex butt jeje ullamco incididunt. Me want bananaaa! daa ex consequat. Voluptate incididunt poulet tikka masala labore po kass. Po kass et tempor tulaliloo qui. Chasy nisi sed ad gelatooo velit adipisicing qui ullamco.

And a final one to the right

PSed poopayee ut consequat. Para tú underweaaar laboris nisi irure uuuhhh jeje cillum. Irure aute cillum baboiii et labore tatata bala tu aliquip officia potatoooo uuuhhh. Jiji officia aliqua chasy ad baboiii laboris. Baboiii tulaliloo poopayee duis bananaaaa exercitation. Nostrud occaecat belloo! Underweaaar. Exercitation voluptate gelatooo hahaha poopayee. Tatata bala tu wiiiii jeje nisi eiusmod elit me want bananaaa! Consectetur laboris. Bananaaaa ex esse incididunt ullamco gelatooo para tú baboiii voluptate jiji tank yuuu!

See more details and how to download the Joomla Google Adsense Plugin Paypal here.